
Wednesday 31 October 2012

Niele toroni

Interesting artist who uses a fastidiously rigid and unvarying method of producing work , that under closer observation reveals work that varies due to location and materials used to create the work.

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Perpetration for stone and leaf work.

David Nash

Natural materials with a strong emphasis on different types of wood used in David Nash sculpture.

Richard Long.

Images from the book walking in circles by Richard long , an artist who explores the use of location and natural materials in his art.

Andy Goldsworthy leaf images.

Becoming strongly influenced by artist that use materials provided and sourced in nature.

Cardboard sculpture.

Work using leaves

Images made using leaves , spray paint and foil.

Andy Goldsworthy

Find this image by Andy Goldsworthy very inspirational in its simplicity ,a piece of art does not have to be laboured to be effective.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Mark langan cardboard artiste

Like the way this artist uses a very limited medium to create
varied art works.