
Friday 30 November 2012

Aleatoric music.

When water makes a ripple it acts as a magnifying glass and makes some areas brighter than others. Phototransistors which are light sensors detect this change in light. An auduino or micro controller receives the inputs from the sensors and sends them as midi events to a computer. A midi sequencer or a program that reads midi notes from a midi keyboard then plays these notes accordingly

Aleatoric water musical instrument

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Aleatoric water musical instrument

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Alighieri Boetti.

Interesting artist who explores the occurrence of chance as a factor in order and classification systems,through the investigation of grid systems,children's games and postal services. The artist has made an indept study of pattern systems that occur in Asian carpets and geographical maps.

Monday 26 November 2012

Saturday 24 November 2012

Francoise Morelellet.

This artist uses a pictorial language of geometric shapes ,that are produced using a paradoxical process ,that involves control and restraint through the adherence ,to tight rules that the artist identifies for himself before commencing the work. During the process the work is constantly being liberated from these rules by the inclusion of chance into the creative equation.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Sinta Werner.

Berlin based artist,her work explores the architectural link between two and three dimensional space. She reacts to spaces she experiences,and in her 3d work explores the notion that art does not have to be subject to the practical demands that influence the creation of buildings.Werners 2d work explores the illusions created by multiple points of perspective.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

CDs in print.

CDs development into print and re copied on to acetate.

Aspen Mays

New York artist,spent time in Chilean university's abandoned photo lab during 2010 earthquake .Mays had unrestricted access to labs archive of chemicals and materials.These materials were essential to Mays artistic process. Find use of photo negative images,investigated through repartition and pattern interesting. Images from Sun Ruin exhibition 2011.

Monday 19 November 2012

Satoru Hoshino creative process.

When hands struggle against clay ,there is a disorderliness an untidiness which a systematic ceramic art usually tries to eliminate,or bury as much as possible.But in the search for a new ceramic art,disorder it's self can provide the means with which to recover the form.In the chaos there is energy ,rather than view this energy as disruptive ,even destructive ,one can seek the liberating ,generative aspect of it,use it to translate the active disorder into form.Satoru Hoshino describes artistic practise.