
Saturday 29 December 2012

R. H. Quaytman

I was introduced to the work of this artist through an article in American art,by J. Harris. Critical perspectives on contemporary painting. Quaytman creates a visual novel by dividing her work into chapters,in her work the artist investigates dept and surface in conjunction with intellectual experiences of past and present to create a very personal pictorial language. The artist goes to a specific location and investigates this location from a cultural and historical perspective. Each chapter is depicted through different painting styles and media eg silk screen,architecture. The artist creates a systematic narrative with reoccurring themes.

Friday 28 December 2012

Investigation of weathering.

Note sequence constructed using sticks,stones and ash,left to interact with elements.

Thursday 27 December 2012

Article on Analia Saban.

Analia Saban

A very innovative artist who explores and investigates through her artistic practises the same aesthetic landscape as Florian Schmidt. The artists acute awareness of perceived boundaries between sculpture,painting and photography,enables her to disregard these boundaries in a very controlled artistic process. In her series Fade out the artist uses emulsion paint as a masking agent to create photograms. Saban has used laser technology to sculpt into canvases painted with heavy impasto acrylic.

Monday 10 December 2012

Dark was the night cold was the ground.

Gospel song written by american blues singer Blind Willie Johnson in 1927. One of 27 pieces of music included on voyager golden record launched into space in 1977. This piece of music was chosen as an expression of human loneliness.multi coloured torch shone on ceiling in darkroom to produce light effect.

Thursday 6 December 2012

Block prints.

Block prints on acetate,black printed with additional amounts of water on block. White printed with dry paint. Contrast explored through black and white and texture of print.

Weathering processes continued.

Sprayed pattern on black surface left while wet to explore effects of weathering on image.

Monday 3 December 2012

Tin foil and block.

Prints on tin foil using wooden block ,printing action is the same with each print but creasing in the foil creates variable impressions. Reminiscent of Niele Toroni process.

Weathering sequence.

Investigation of chance imposed on a rigid and stationary structure,by the introduction of weather into the equation.