
Saturday 3 May 2014

William Kentridge on drawing

What does it mean to say that something is a drawing-as opposed to a fundamentally different form,such  as a photograph.First of all arriving at the image is a process,not a frozen instant.Drawing for me is about fluidity.There may be a vague sense of what your going to draw but things occur during the process that may modify,consolidate  or shed doubts on what you know .So drawing is testing of ideas ;a slow motion version of thought. It does not arrive instantly like a photograph. The uncertain  and imprecise way of constructing a drawing is sometimes a model of how to construct meaning.What ends in clarity does not begin that way.  My work is about a process of drawing that tries to find a way through the space between what we know and what we see.                                                                                                 William Kentrige. Phialdon press 1999.                                   

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