
Monday 9 June 2014

Clash of civilisations Samuel Huntington

In his book Clash of Civilisations,Samuel Huntington articulates the political theory that,with the sensation of the Cold War,ideology ,and the clash of ideologies is no longer the predominant factor in shaping the world we live in.Huntington believed that the source of future conflict in the world will be between cultures eg. Islam, consumerist western culture etc.The author believes these cultures have their origins in ancient historical civilations of the old world.This is an interesting idea,we see the populations of western democracies, being increasing moulded into a political and cultural consensus by the media.But what is notable is the resistance of Islamic cultures to this manufacturing of consent.what is more interesting is that cultures are no longer confined to geographical locations.Culture is no longer predominantly idetified with nationality.Clashes between cultures can take place within nation states.

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