
Tuesday 10 June 2014

Willem de Kooning.Excavation 1950

De Koonings painting Excavation 1950 and his use of newsprint in the in the creation of this painting,anticipates Rauschenburgs use of found images and texts in his own work ,has made me realise that the modern environment,especially the urban environment is virtually a living text.This text is not necessarily narrative in nature.Just as John Cages symphonies utilises the arbitrary way sounds interacts with our senses,the modern media and message saturated environment,with its colidescope of images and text.Each one competing for our attention as we journey through the streets and hi ways of our modern cities is completely arbitrary in its power to work on our perceptions.This is a completely new phanomonom unique to the 20th and 21st century.The modern city dweller is spoken to and enticed daily by images and texts,each random turn of the head exposing him to a new message.

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