
Tuesday 12 August 2014

Thoughts on Hopper.

I have been looking at a lot of Hoppers painting more closely lately .What an amazing artist this man was,when you examine the painting technique it's plain that technically Hopper was not a virtuoso ,but that's immaterial ,he uses images of every day physical manifestations to give form to an idea or more commonly an emotion or phycology, such as isolation, loneliness .Hopper is such a master that for me the idea or emotion is more present in the work than the means used to convay it.The emotion is the more powerful content in the painting.To quote Hopper himself " I believe that the great painters,with their intellect as master,have attempted to force this unwilling medium of paint and canvas into a record     of their emotions .I find any digression from this large aim leads me to boredom".

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