
Saturday 20 September 2014

Till Baumgartel.

Baumgartels figures inhabit what he describes as a multioptional society, in which large sections of society have abandoned all the old certainties and dogmas and all promise of salvation, and live in environments that reflect their their inner hopelessness and despair.Baumgartel method or practise is to use sketchbooks as a point of departure to transfer received ideas to canvas or paper. These ideas or images create a sense of Melancholy. The scene that the figures in habit does not quiet fit and creates a scense of displacement.Many of his scenes take place in a nocturnal environment which creates a feeling of displacement eg Out after dark. To quote the artist " tries to capture madness, beauty, questionable things, strange things, in his pictures to create a certain resonance. The painting resemble theatrical stage sets that suggest decay and past glories. The figures are isolated and do not communicate.In many cases the scene is exterior and interior at once, suggesting the tension between the exterior and inner world of the figures.

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