
Monday 27 July 2015

Artist as creator.

During World War One, the Dadist movement a reaction against the concept of European civilisation superiorority  , and a measure of man kinds progress. This was due to the carnage and death produced by the war. The Dadist set out to destroy all the cultural manifestation of European civilisation, with the purpose of undermining the power structure of the elites that had caused  the war.All cultural activities identified as facets or examples of civilisation became there target. Art being one of their target and especially the idea of the, artist or creator having a position of elevation or superior status, they deminished the status that works of art held within society.The Dadist proclaimed that there was no fundamental difference between a man made object and a machine made object, and should be given the same status in society or no status as the case may be. The umbilical cord between object and creator must be severed, the only personal intervention with regard objects is one of individual choice, not the act of creation.The Dadist were an anti art movement, and anti capitalist and wished to destroy both.
       It could be argued that they failed in both , art was not destroyed but evolved to encompass the concept of ready made manufacted objects being works of art, and the artist and art word  giving them the status of art. The concept of the artist is not necessarily that of creator ,but one who is an artist and creates art in the process of choosing. Art has not been destroyed but has encompassed the very ideas that the Dadist sort  to destroy it with. More than ever it could be argued the Art  World has come to be identified with the powerful elite, and has indeed become a symbol of status and power , contemporary art is now symbolic capital . The Dadist far from destroying art and elites power structure, has created a new art married to power and 2007 at Sotheby's auction a leather jacket given the title No One Ever Leaves was sold for 690,000 dollars, a world record for a leather jacket, but as a work of art given uniqueness by its title and being bestowed with the status of art by artist Jim Hodges and the Art World, and financial institutions. The same auction sold a sold a shampoo polisher for 2.6 million when it became New Hoover, Delux Shampoo Polisher and given the status of art by Jeef Koons.

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